Hi, my name is

Ali Saghiran.


In the past, I studied signal processing, mathematical modeling and statistics. I was intersted (and still have interest) in Bayesian Modeling to study human cognition and particularly language skills. Right now, I am working as a data scientist in industry where I mainly build and train models for voice processing and other language-related technologies. Check my blogposts, I post in there, from time to time, some news & some useful stuff.

To get a brief resumé, check down here ↓

& for any request, feel free to reach me on social media!

A brief outline of my professional journey

I’m Ali Saghiran, I have studied signal processing at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP) and did my PhD in Computational modeling and cognitive science at Grenoble Alpes University. During my PhD, I was interested in studying speech production and perception using bayesian/probabilistic modeling.

I had work experience in both academia, as research assistant/engineer, and in industry as a software engineer. Currently, I am a Data Scientist and ML Engineer at ResileyesTx: I build and train models and pipelines for voice processing: automatic speech recognition & affective computing.
Also, I contribute to FOSS in my spare time!

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Python, R, C/C++, Matlab, Julia
  • Training ML models using Scikit-learn
  • Deep learning using Pytorch, HuggingFace and tensorflow
  • Data viz and Dashboards using matplotlib, Bokeh, Streamlit etc.


Data Scientist - Voice Specialist - Resileyes Tx
Feb 2022 - Jan 2023
  • I developped language and speech processing modules for a mental health app: speech-to-text, automatic voice feature extraction, and emotion analysis APIs using deep learning models.
  • I had to develop & evaluate ML models for mental health diagnosis.
Research software Developer - LPNC - CNRS
May 2021 - Oct 2021
  • Development and documentation of the BRAID model (collection of simulation programs of visual word processing tasks).
  • Probabilistic model programming and statistical analyses.
  • Release of BRAID & BRAID-Phon source code.
Teaching assistant - Grenoble-Alpes University
Sep 2018 - May 2019
  • Theoretical and practical courses at the Departments of Psychology & Mathematics
  • Practical courses: ‘Introductory course to computer Science and Algorithmics using Python’ & ‘Object-oriented programming with Java’ ~ 45 hours.
  • Courses and tutorials: ‘Statistics and Data Analysis’ ~ 35 hours.

Get in Touch

Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, My inbox is always open: a(dot)saghiran(at)gmail(dot)com