My First Post

Ali S. | Nov 11, 2022

Or how did I build this website?

While I was building this website, I needed to write some content to test rendering and some of Hugo features. One of the good ideas I had was to write down how to build it and that can help people who liked my website and wanted to build something similar (or completely different, since the procedure is similar for most hugo projects). Tools, like Hugo and Gatsby, make static website development fast and easy, especially thanks to the availability of templates, projects developed by numerous members of their respective communities. I hope this serve for the same purpose.

First, install hugo on your machine using apt-get or dnf on linux, brew on mac and choco on windows. Then, if you’re a n00b like me, just run:

hugo new site my-hugo-website

This will create a folder named my-hugo-website/ that contains the basic stuff (a bunch of folders and a config.toml file) you will need in a Hugo website project. The project tree would be something liek this :

$ tree ./
├── archetypes
│   └──
├── config.toml
├── content
├── data
├── layouts
├── public
├── resources
│   └── _gen
│       ├── assets
│       └── images
├── static
└── themes

Then, you can import a Hugo theme/template that you like and suits your project. Many are available on github (see gohugoio/HugoThemes) or some template galleries like Jamstack themes where i found the template I am using for this project (hugo-profile).

To import the theme with git, run:

git clone ./themes/hugo-profile